Beer Olympics Games To Play

  1. Beer Olympics Games To Play Free

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U. V. W. Z. Welcome to play online free games at has thousands of online games including adventure games, action games, girls games, dressup games, mario games, puzzle games, sports games, fighting games, skill games,RPG games and flash games and more. Come check us out!If You is a girl,We have some girl games for you to play. Include Dress up games, makeover games, make up games, decorate games and more.One of our most important missions is adding new quality games each and every day, so if you really love playing games, bookmark our site and come back at least once a day, to discover fresh online games, handpicked by our crew.

Paper Plane ContestOBJECT:To build a plane that will fly the farthest.POINTS:5 points awarded to the winning team; Zero points awarded to the losing team.PLAY: Each team will be provided 5 pieces of computerpaper and paper clips. Each team canbuild up to 5 paper planes, however, only 2 planes can be used in the throwingcontest (one per team member). 15minutes will be allotted to assemble 2-5 planes. As long as players use only one sheet of paper per plane, theycan fold that sheet in any way they please.Each team can have several practice throws to determine which 2 planeswill be entered into the contest.

Writeteam name on plane. Place your 2 chosenplanes in the bin.Once all the planes are constructed and selected, playerstake positions at the starting line.Each team member takes turns throwing their planes and marking thelongest landing spot with a piece of chalk.After each team member throws, the winner is the team who had the planethat flew the furthest.Capture the FlagOBJECT: To gain points by stealing the other team’s flag.POINTS: Each team member of the winning team receives 3points (total 6 per team). Zero points awarded to the losing team members.PLAY: All playerswill be divided into two teams. Eachteam will determine which member is a defender and which is an attacker. Each team will be placed on a larger team(Red and Blue team). A middle line isdetermined to divide the field in half and each half has a corner designated asthe “jail”.

Defenders must stay intheir own defense area, but attackers can go anywhere. Attackers can be tagged only after crossingthe middle line into the other team’s defensive area.

When play begins, attackers will cross the middle line in anattempt to capture their flag placed in the opposing teams defense area withoutbeing tagged. Tagging is done literallywhen a defender tags an attacker. Atagged attacker must then throw up his or her hands to signal capture (fakingis not allowed!!) The captured playerthen goes to the other team’s jail.

Ifmore than one player is in jail, they form a line with the first player caughtin front. A player in jail can bereleased if another attacker manages to get to jail and tag him or her. Only the first player in line can be freed,so only one player can be freed at a time.If a player is freed, that player must again throw up his or her handsand return to his or her own defensive area.Only then can the freed player once again attack. Three points are scored when an attackermanages to get a hold of the flag and returns to their neutral side withoutbeing tagged. Handing off the flag toanother attacker is allowed! After eachscore, flags are returned to their starting positions and another roundbegins.

First team to score 21 pointswins the game and each member of the winning group team earns 3 points (total 6per individual team). Any excessivepushing or shoving will result in a penalty and team will need to go to thePenalty Box upon return.Horsey BallsOBJECT: To be the first team to score exactly 21 points.POINTS: Winning team receives 5 points. (5 to each winningplayer)PLAY: Team members stand on opposite sides and choose tobe either the blue team or the white team.The throwing line is determined by the position of the ladder. The items needed to play are two ladders anda set of three bolas per team. Each ladder has three rungs, each rung scoring adifferent point value. The top is worth 1, middle is 2, and bottom is 3.


Points are tallied at the end of each round,after all teams have thrown their bolas. The bolas suspended on the ladderscore the points for that rung, with the goal of getting at least 21 points towin.One member from each team pitches from one ladder platformand the other members pitch from the other. The first side of players alternatepitching bolas until both players have thrown all three of their bolas, then theplayers pitching from the opposing ladder continue to alternate in the samemanner until all three of their bolas are delivered.

The player who scored the most in the preceding inning pitchesfirst in the next inning. If neither pitcher scores, the contestant or team whopitched last in the preceding inning pitches first in the next inning.Cancellation scoring is NOT used, meaning if both teamsget a bola on the 2 point rung, both teams receive 2 points in that round. However, teams can knock off theiropponents’ bola’s to cancel their score of that bola.

The winner is the one team to earn exactly twenty-one points, andif a team exceeds that number their team must return to fifteen points and thegame continues. If a team goes over 21 three consecutive times before the otherteam goes over once then the team over 21 three times wins.It is the responsibility of the players to call out thescore after each round prior to pitching the next round.Corn HoleOBJECT: To be the first team to score exactly 21 points.POINTS: Winning team receives 3 points.PLAY: One memberfrom each team pitches from one cornhole platform and the other members pitchfrom the other. The first side of players alternate pitching bags until bothplayers have thrown all four of their bags, then the players pitching from theopposing cornhole board continue to alternate in the same manner until all fourof their bags are delivered. The playerwho scored in the preceding inning pitches first in the next inning.

If neitherpitcher scores, the contestant or team who pitched last in the preceding inningpitches first in the next inning.In order to score, the bags must either be tossed into thehole or land on the board. A bag that falls through the hole is worth a valueof three points. The bag can be tossed directly into the hole, slide into thehole, or be knocked into the hole by another bag. A bag that lands on the boardand is still on the board at the end of the inning is worth one point. If a bagtouches the ground and comes to rest on the board, it is removed from the boardprior to continuation of play and not worth any points. Cancellation scoringis used.

In cancellation scoring, bags that fall in the hole and bags thatland on the board that are pitched by opponents during a frame cancel eachother out. That is, if one player scores four points and the other playerscores three points, the first player receives one point for the inning. Incase of a tie, the team who ties the game, must go first.The winner is the one team to earn exactly twenty-onepoints; and if a team exceeds that number their team must return to fifteenpoints and the game continues.

If a team goes over 21 three consecutive timesbefore the other team goes over once then the team over 21 three times wins.It is the responsibility of the players to call out thescore after each round prior to pitching the next round.Life Size JengaOBJECT: Not to be the one to knock down the Jenga stack.POINTS: Winning team receives 5 points.PLAY: Both playersmust participate in an alternating fashion.Moving in Jenga consists of taking one and only one block from any level(except the one below the incomplete top level) of the tower, and placing it onthe topmost level to complete it. Both hands can be used at a time when takingblocks from the tower. Blocks may be bumped to find a loose block that will notdisturb the rest of the tower. Any block that is moved out of place must bereturned to its original location before removing another block. The turn ends whenthe next person to move touches the tower or after ten seconds, whicheveroccurs first.

The game ends when thetower falls in even a minor way—in other words, any piece falls from the tower,other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top. The winner is thelast person to successfully remove and place a block.TwisterOBJECT: Be the last team or team member standing.POINTS: Winningteam is awarded 5 pointsPLAY: Each teammust choose one player from their team to participate (team members not playingcan be the spinners). Participatingteam players start out standing on the edges of the board with half full beercup in hand.

Someone spins the spinner. The players all take a drink of beer and putthe appropriate body part of the appropriate colored circle. Play repeats until a player is out whenhe/she falls to the mat (rather than being supported by just hands andfeet.). Players cannot share circleswith other players until all of those colored circles are occupied. Game ends when there is only one team leftstanding on the board.PENALTY: Each team member MUST play with a beer in handthe entire game. If your beer spillsduring play, you will be charged a penalty and must go to the Penalty Box afterthe game.Rufio Team PictureOBJECT: Be voted as best team self-portraitPOINTS: Winning team receives 10 points; second place 8points; third place 6 points; fourth place 4 points; fifth place 2 points.PLAY: During thefirst half, each team will go into the portrait studio to shoot themselves inanyway, shape, or form.

Instructionsfor the camera and backdrop will be provided.At half-time, video slideshow will be presented to theentire group. Each team member willmake vote for best team pic and you cannot vote for your own teampic. Once the votes are tallied, pointswill be awarded accordingly.

GetCreative!!!!Egg DropOBJECT: Drop your egg safely on the ground without anybreakagePOINTS: 3 pointsfor a successful drop, Zero points for any breakagePLAY: Competitors will attempt to create a device that cankeep a raw chicken egg intact when dropped from a height. You must build adevice made from a limited amount of materials to support an egg when it’sdropped from the second story of the house.Materials will be provided and nothing can be used other than theprovided materials.King’s CupOBJECT: Be theteam to draw the fourth and final King in the deck.POINTS: Winningteam is awarded 5 pointsPLAY: All cardsare face down in a circle around the KING’S CUPAce- Waterfall (everyone starts drinking at sametime. Continue drinking until thepersonto your left stops. Drawer is the first person who can stopdrinking)2 – You3 – Me4 – Whores5 – Beer Bitch (anytime more beer is needed you have toget it until next 5 is drawn)6 – Dicks (All guys drink)7 – RED: Spelling Bee (drawer chooses someoneto spell a word. If they can’t, theydrink)BLACK: Snake-eyes (You are nowsnake-eyes until next black 7 is drawn. Everytime you make eye contact withanyone, that person drinks!)8- Nicknames(Give another player a nickname.

Anytime anyone calls that person by their realname, they have to drink)9 – Busta Rhyme10 – Floor (Last person to touch the floor drinks)Jack- Make a Rule – See SuggestionsQueen– RED: Questions(Ask a question to any player, that player must ask ANOTHER player a question.Play continues until someone messes up)BLACK: Categories (Pick acategory i.e. Cars, cereal, presidents, sex positions, etc. Play continues incircle until someone cannot name something from that category)King – Fill King’s cup ¼ full. Last one to draw a kingchugs the beer and WINS!Joker – House Rule (If this card is drawn, you must take adrink to wet your whistle, run upstairs, open the backdoor and yell the “NeverendingSong” one time through, return to the game and take another drink.)QuartersOBJECT: To NOT bethe first team to drink from the community cup 3 times.POINTS: Winningteam receives 5 points.PLAY: Players willbounce a quarter off a table in an attempt to have the quarter land in acertain shotglass (or cup) on that table. The player bouncing the quarter isreferred to as the 'shooter.' The quarter is customarily bounced onthe face whether heads or tails.

You may bounce the quarter on the edge,particularly by rolling it down your nose if that is easier.A community cup is first placed in the center of thetable. Each player has their own individual cup, and these cups are placedaround the community cup, forming a ring around the community cup (much like aflower pattern). Players fill their individual cups with a shot of their drink,and pour a small amount of their drink into the community cup. A shooter begins by bouncing a quartertowards the cups. If the quarter lands in a player's cup, that player mustdrink his/her shot, refill the cup, and place it back with the rest.

If theshooter lands the quarter into the community cup, every player must reach intothe center and drink their shot. The last player to finish their drink must thendrink the community cup. If the shooter makes his/her shot on the firstattempt, they may shoot again until they miss. If they miss on the firstattempt, they must pass the quarter to the next player on their left. Any shot where the shooter does not bouncethe quarter off of the table at least once counts as a miss.

Once your team has drank from the communitycup 3 times, you LOSE and the other team gains the 5 points.Beer Pong (Beirut)OBJECT: Be thefirst team to eliminate all of the cups on the opposing teams side of thetable.POINTS: Winningteam receives 5 points.PLAY: Each teammust sign the table prior to game start.Team members stand with each other on the same side of the table. Thereare ten plastic cups arranged in a triangle on each side. Each team then takesturns attempting to shoot ping-pong balls into the opponent's cups.

If a balllands in a cup, then the other team consumes the contents of that cup, and thecup is placed aside. The order of play: both players on one team shoot followedby both players on the other team.

Thefirst side to eliminate all of the opponent's cups is the winner.House Rules: If both team members make theirballs into the SAME cup, the opponents must consume two cups and shooting teamreceives balls back for an additional round.If both team members make their balls into different cups on their turn,both cups must be consumed and both balls must come back the shooting team foran additional round. Bitches can blowthe balls out of the cups as defense.If the ball is bounced on the table as opposed to straight into the cup,defenders can swat the ball away. Ifthe balls hit the cups without going in and bounce back towards the shootingteam, shooters can attempt to gain control of the ball and re-shoot.

You can call for a re-rack when you have 6or 4 cups left for a better formation. You cannot call a re-rack until it isyour turn to shoot, and you can't call one if you or your partner shoots. Ithas to be the very beginning of a turn.Time Limit!!! Be careful, if time expires (25 minutes) thewinner will be the team with the least amount of cups remaining. If cup count is tied, go to the tie breakerroom to determine winner.Relay RacesTHREE LEGGED RACEPLAY: Both membersof the team will be tied together on the lower leg and the upper leg. Jointly they will run to opposite side offield. At this halfway point, onemember will have to chug a beer completely before turning around and returningto the starting line.

First team tocross the finish line wins 10 points; second place 8 points; third place 6points; fourth place 4 points; fifth place 2 points.POTATO SACK RACEPLAY: Both teammembers will need to place their full beer cups at the halfway marker. Onemember of the team will race to the opposite side of the field in their potatosack. At this halfway point, one memberwill have to chug a beer completely before turning around and returning to thestarting line. As soon as that firstmember crosses back over the starting line, they will take off their sack andtheir partner will then get in the sack and repeat the race also chugging thebeer at the halfway point. First teamto cross the finish line wins 10 points; second place 8 points; third place 6points; fourth place 4 points; fifth place 2 points.LEAP FROG RACEPLAY: Both membersof the team must start with full beer in hand.Take turns leaping over each other in an alternating fashion. Bothplayers must go all the way down the field and back.

Beer Olympics Games To Play Free

At finish line, both team members pour their remaining beer intheir measuring cup.