Wii Scrubber 1.21 Download

  1. Wiiscrubber 1.21 Download For Windows 10
  2. Wiiscrubber 1.21 Download For Pc

So, this is BrawlBuilder, a GUI to build modded Brawl ISO images. It is compatible with many Brawl mods, though definitely not all. It for sure works with all version of Project M (yes, even 3.6), and even some custom builds, such as Psycho Ghost's 3.6 build. (Legacy M 1.21, however, is not currently working).The main selling point of this, imo, is that it works with alternate stages, as well as the replacement soundbank engine.

That means that any.sawnd files you have in your sfx folder will work properly, as well as any alternate stages you have! Amazing!Also, there are a few extras features included, free of charge! You can remove the Subspace Emissary from the output image, reducing the size by a few GB. You can also change the game ID and title, as well as specify a custom banner file.Unfortunately it's not all good news, there are currently some problems. Any mods that make use of BrawlEx don't seem to run (I don't know for sure that it is BrawlEx causing the problems, just a guess). That means recent versions of Brawl- don't currently work, although I am working on it.


Also, like I said, not all Project M builds work. Legacy M, for example, does not. Hopefully this can be fixed in the future.Anyway, I guess I should give you all a download link.

Oh also, I suppose I should mention that this is all open source. Yay!Downloads:Releases:Source code, credits, and additional info. 1.2.2:- Fix custom working directories not working (again)1.2.1:- Remove the BrawlBuilder.exe.config file- Fix 'Custom banner' browse button appearance for certain Windows versions/themes1.2:- Fix some stages glitching/crashing due to improper.rel files1.1.2:- Fix BrawlBuilder not working with custom working directories1.1.1:- Fix 'wit exited with error code -1' happening with almost every build for some people- Add 'Finalizing.' Status at end of build so it doesn't seem like build is frozen at 99%1.1:- Improve error messages, most of them should now actually be somewhat helpful- Fix 'Build Completed' sometimes appearing even if the build did not complete properly- Add the -show-wit-debug option to show wit windows and keep them open after wit closes- Modify the help text for the Brawl ISO to clarify how the ssbb.d folder works- Fix crash if building with no GCT selected- Other code cleanup and misc. Fixes1.0:- Initial releaseIMPORTANT INFO: Some people are having issues with this right now.

The most common culprit seems to be unclean Brawl rips that wit doesn't like. You can verify your ISO by using something like to calculate the sha1 and md5 hashes, which should match one of the sets of hashes on the bottom of. If they don't then you should try re-ripping, or re-obtaining your Brawl ISO. Additionally, as of version 1.1, you can launch BrawlBuilder with the -show-wit-debug option to view the actual wit windows, and keep them open after wit exits. This can be very helpful if something is going wrong and you can't figure out why.And that is pretty much it. This is my first time releasing anything on these forums, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I think (depends on how WIT handles it) that if you copy all of those files/folders into a folder named 'ssbb.d' (no quotes) in the same folder as BrawlBuilder, then try to build without specifying an ISO, it should (hopefully) work.

Also note that brawlbuilder will delete the ssbb.d folder when it's done, so make sure you don't delete the original files.I just realised your files are set up differently than how wit extracts them, so that won't work (wit puts all the files in a /files/ folder within ssbb.d, and also includes a cert and ticket file and some other stuff in the base directory, which I'm pretty sure need to be there to rebuild). I think you will need to get an ISO, sorry. I think (depends on how WIT handles it) that if you copy all of those files/folders into a folder named 'ssbb.d' (no quotes) in the same folder as BrawlBuilder, then try to build without specifying an ISO, it should (hopefully) work. Also note that brawlbuilder will delete the ssbb.d folder when it's done, so make sure you don't delete the original files.I just realised your files are set up differently than how wit extracts them, so that won't work.

I think you will need to get an ISO (you should be able to rebuild it from those files though pretty easily though). Yeah, wit seems to be causing a few people problems, I'll have to improve the error handling and stuff to clarify errors. Can't really do much right now though, ill look at it later today. You could try running brawlbuilder as an admin (right click it and run as administrator) and see if that helps at all. You could also check to make sure wit even runs on your computer, go into Resources/wit/ and open a command prompt there (hold shift, right click blank space in the folder, choose open command window here) and then type 'wit.exe' (no quotes) and hit enter.

You should see WIT in big letters with some info under it. If that works, and you still can't get BrawlBuilder to work when running as admin, then I'm not sure. Like I said, I'll try to do something to improve wit error handling when I get home later today.Also make sure that there is no ssbb.d folder in the same directory as BrawlBuilder. It should get deleted automatically, but sometimes it doesn't. Yeah, from talking to someone else who was experiencing issues I found out that wit doesn't like some Brawl images, and I haven't really accounted for that. BrawlBuilder should always catch when wit fails, but for some reason it doesn't always do that. Anyway, if you have a valid original Brawl image it should work.

Wiiscrubber 1.21 Download For Windows 10

You can verify that by using a to check the md5 and sha1 hashes of your ISO, and compare them to the hashes on the bottom of. If they don't match either of those sets of hashes (one is for v1, the other for v1.02), then your ISO isn't a clean rip, and you should try to re-rip, or re-obtain it through some other means. Well now it prompts me a message upon verification that there are some files missing from the ISO (Same ISO i used in your older build); I pressed 'continue anyway', carried on as normal, and created WBFS files. Now the game doesn't boot at all on the wii. I'm not sure what causes that.The older build worked fine when i converted from WBFS to ISO but not the from ISO to ISO or ISO to WBFS.EDIT: Error is: 'One or more files are either missing or the wrong size in the extracted Brawl image.

Do you still wish to continue'?I used the exact same ISO than earlier (which worked on version 1.1)Edit of Edit: It apparently will prompt this message but absolutely nothing is wrong. The files were fine. Redid the process and this time it didn't even prompt. That's weird. Exact same files.Edit of edit of edits: The game works. Just those minor confusing issues!

I'm working on a custom GH3 disc and want to keep the highest quality audio possible, so I'm looking to use WiiScrubber 1.21 to replace some of the smaller songs with custom songs that are larger than the originals. For one reason or another, I believe that's supposed to be possible with WS1.21. Well, a few issues arise. First, it takes nearly 10 minutes to replace one file on the ISO, and that's just annoying. But that I can get past.

Second, after the file is properly replaced and the disc reparsed, what would I do next? Just close WS1.21 and all should be fine? Or do I have to save it, or Trucha Sign it?

Finally, I tried this last night and WS1.21 said the file replacement went properly, but when I booted up the disc, the game crashed while hovering over the one WS replaced file. Did I do something wrong?Has anyone here had success in using WS1.21 to replace files larger than the originals on an ISO? Don't know about GH - but all you should need to do when updating a file is just select load. When the file is replaced it should automatically 'trucha sign' the partition.It works by looking for some free space on the disc to locate the larger file and then copying the file to that location and updating the fst.bin to point to it.However.There is one 'feature' that I am aware of and that is the right click issue. This is due to a 'feature' of windows programming where a selected item may not actually be selected in a tree control. Make sure you press the left hand button to select the file before pressing the right hand button to choose the load/save menu.Also.You can manualy perform the larger load in Trucha signer if you want (should save some load time)Use wiiscrubber to create a 'trucha' scrub.

This will generate a few files including a replacement fst.bin. Inside the fst.bin you will find 5 file entries which mark the free space in the partition.Then extract the real fst.bin from the image.You can then modify the 'fst.bin' so that the ones you want to replace point to the free space areas instead and with a modified size i.e.

Create a modified fst.bin.With Trucha signer you can then simply replace the fst.bin on the original iso image with the modified one, sign the image and then close and reopen. Trucha will then allow for replacement of the larger files.As to an updated wiiscrubber that should hopefully be out by next weekend as I'm now over the 6 week case of food poisoning due to dodgy chicken in an indian restaurant (And the file replacement speed is quicker!). Dack, thanks for the response, but could I get some more detail from you?I don't understand this whole bit about fst.bin. Are there tools I can use to extract the files within the fst.bin and do I have to use something to move them back and forth? I guess I'm new to the whole Scrubbing bit here, though I've successfully used Trucha Signer in the past.So is there any sort of explicit explanation you can give me as to how to do all the things you mentioned in that post? Obviously, I can get the Scrub and the extraction of fst.bin just fineThanks. Sould be a a useful tool for you.The PM I sent should explain the rest in a bit more detail.Basically:extract the fst.binchange the start location of the files you want to change to the free area, modify their sizes toowhen you've got a finalized fst.bin then load the iso in truchause trucha to replace the existing fst.bin - it will be the same size as the originalsign and close the iso and then reload.

The modified fst.bin will then be used insteadthe sizes in the fst.bin are used for the file size checks in trucha and so you can then load the larger files in. Sould be a a useful tool for you.The PM I sent should explain the rest in a bit more detail.Basically:extract the fst.binchange the start location of the files you want to change to the free area, modify their sizes toowhen you've got a finalized fst.bin then load the iso in truchause trucha to replace the existing fst.bin - it will be the same size as the originalsign and close the iso and then reload. The modified fst.bin will then be used insteadthe sizes in the fst.bin are used for the file size checks in trucha and so you can then load the larger files in.That's the bit I do not understand at all. Not even after reading your PM. I don't know anything about HEX editing or these programs.Is there any chance that if I sent you (or anyone) the FakeFST.bin, fst.bin, ReplacementBoot.bin, SBRUBP1.dat and SCRUBBEDFST.bin that someone could do all this bit for me, or walk me through it?Also, how is what you just told me to do different than what Wii Scrubber told me to do when it said:QUOTEFinished! Now use Trucha to:1. Update the fst.bin of the image with FakeFST.BIN and thetn close image2.

Reopen image and update boot.bin with ReplacementBoot.bin and fst.bin with SCRUBBEDFST.bin3. Then close image and reopen again4. Then update SCRUBP1.BIN to SCRUBP5.bin filesREMEMBER TO SIGN WHEN TRUCHA PROMPTS YOU. The Wiiscrubber trucha scrub does not modify the image, it relied on using trucha signer to do the dirty work.

What it does do though is create a modified fst.bin that has the free space marked out for you (the scrubp1.bin file entry).If you load the replacementfst.bin file into the fst reader and look at the values for scrubp1.bin it will give you the start of the free space and the length of it.Write these values down.Open up the real fst.bin extracted from the GH iso.Change the location and length for the files you want to change to values relative to the numbers you wrote down earlier.i.e. If freespace start = 0x500000 and freespace length = 0x300000 and you wanted to change track1, track2 and track3 then change the fst entries for them (start and size) to:OFFSET lengthtrack1 = freespace start, length = length of file you are trying to addtrack2 = freespace start + length of track1, new length of track2track3 = freespace start + length of track1 and length of track2, length of track3etc.The sum of all the length you are trying to change MUST be less than the freespace length mentioned earlier (otherwise you would overwrite some valid data).Any clearer?

Thats right - the size of the bellyofashark file is 23232512 bytes and if track2 is 23822336 bytes then you would have:track1 = ca4000, 23232512track2 = 22cc000, 23822336One of the problems with the fst viewer is it puts the offsets in hex while the lengths are in decimal. If you use windows calc to convert the original offset to decimal ca4000 = 13254656 and then MS it. Then enter the length of the track1, M+ it then MR.

Wiiscrubber 1.21 Download For Pc

The convert to hex, it will give the correct offset value for track. For track3 you just need to then switch back to decimal, enter the length of the added track2, M+, MR, hex to give the next hex offset etc.Remember to have calc on advanced mode. Great, thanks!

Wii Scrubber 1.21 Download

Now I have a tricky question for you. There's not enough freespace to add all the tracks I want to do. So say track3custom is bigger than track3original but smaller than track2original (track2custom being moved to the freespace), could I change the track3custom offset to the track2original offset (no need to change the length, I'd think) and write it there?Basically, can I play this puzzle game and get all the files on there uncompressed by hiding them anywhere I know there's unused (whether free, or diverted) space?