Install Windows Font On Centos Linux

Create a folder in your home directory called.fonts: mkdir /home/$USER/.fontsUnzip the files and move them there. Now run the command from your terminal: fc-cache -vfc-cache-64 -vAnd the font should be available now.More info, see man fc-cache: DESCRIPTIONfc-cache scans the font directories on the system and builds font information cache files for applications using fontconfigfor their font handling.If directory arguments are not given, fc-cache uses each directory in the current font configuration. Each directory isscanned for font files readable by FreeType. A cache is created which contains properties of each font and the associatedfilename. This cache is used to speed up application startup when using the fontconfig library.Note that fc-cache must be executed once per architecture to generate font information customized for that architecture.


Install Fonts In Linux


How To Install Font On Linux Server

A lot of additional packages related to fonts and media is available in this repository mentioned in the CentOS Wiki. Yum install wineInstalls most all the fonts needed, when the repository is added, as per the wiki here: yum -y install not sure how trustworthy the sources in that repository is, but the same can be said for most anything regardless of source - until we have a more widespread and healthy Linux auditing community.