Spider Man 2000 Pc Game
Spider Man (Video Game) ReviewSpider Man is a game player who goes through each level and trying to reach on the exit point to complete a different objectives. The player must restart the mission levels if Spider Man runs out of his health, falls off a building and fails to complete certain objectives. For example if he does not rescue a hostage.A player is able to utilize his spider powers tools to move over from one point to another point. He is able to crawl on walls and ceilings by making short distances.
Spider Man 2000 Pc Save Game
In battlfield Spider Man can utilize a limited supply of web cartridges to attack his enemies. He can defeat them by increasing the strength of his attacks by using an explosive barrier.
The player can also find power ups such as Spider Armor that temporarily increases his strength and defense himself during fighting. Fire Webbing is very effective against symbiotes.The Spider Man can get also variety of cotumes which are given in features of the game by acheiving different goals. It is also vey easy for to extent costumes by using cheat codes. You can alternate character skins to give Spider Man new abilities.
These costumes contain the street clothes, Quick Change Spider Man, Bombastic, Bag Man Spider Man 2099, Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly, and Captain Universe forms. Every time the game is completed, another costume will be unlocked. Spider Man free download and feel that you are spider man. Spider Man (PC) System RequirementsBefore downloading make sure that your PC meets the system requirements for this video game. Minimum System RequirementsOperating SystemWindows 7/Vista/XP/2000/98ProcessorIntel Pentium 3RAM / Video Memory128 MB / 4 MBHard Drive200 MBVideo CardStandard GraphicsSpider Man Free Download Link.
In: Title: BackgroundIf you're into games, and you're into Spider-Man, then you've seen all the hypesurrounding this game. As 2000 progressed, the hype increased. The game waspreviewed in magazines for months, and then the demo level was released anddistributed on CDs on the front of most major magazines. The game promised to besomething special.In September 2000, the game was released. And it's awesome. Most gamingmagazines gave it a 9 out of 10 - and you won't find me arguing. This was thefirst console game I payed money for, and I'm not disappointed.The game was most successful as a surprising revival to the somewhat agingPlaystation platform, but it was also released for Nintendo 64, DreamCast, andHome PC.
Story Details. Hardware #1Game Overview: Described by almost every game critic as the first goodsuper-hero game. In fact, it is. This game was a one of the best that thePlaystation ever got, and it shined also in N64 and Dreamcast.
It also made themigration to Home PC - which we will review soon.The game features a lot of guest appearences, and a gallery of first classvillains, amongst them are Venom and DareDevil. It has 32 levels ofintense and fun gameplay, with some puzzles, and a lot of bad guys to beat/webto unconsciounsess, including 8 bosses!The following sections include spoilers.
We suggest you skip to the rating atthe bottom of the page if you want to avoid finding out a little of what goes onduring the game.Introduction: Spidey is at a science convention, where Doctor Octopus presentshis revolutionary machine. Peter's on the audience, and he doesn't trust Octopusthat much (logically). Eddie Brock is also in the audience, assigned by JJJ tophotograph the event. 'Spider-Man' drops in and steals Octopus' device. In themiddle of the confusion, Peter and Brock bump into each other. Peter can't dressthe uniform because of the crowd.
'Spidey' trashes Brock's camera and leaves.Brock can no longer fight Venom, and it takes over him, vowing that he'll killSpider-Man.The Bank Heist: Now it's time to hear the voice of the creator. No, notEternity! Spidey meets the Black Cat on the roofs, and she teacheshim how to swing (yeah, right!), and all that stuff that he knows how to do, butwe, who hold the gamepad, don't.After swinging from roof to roof beating lots of thugs, Spidey reaches the bankthat's being robbed, and he sees the villains taking down two police choppers.The perpetrators are non-other than the Jade Syndicate! Doesn't matter.Spidey takes them out and enters the bank through the ventilation shafts. Insidethe bank, our hero saves some more hostages and gets rid of a bomb. He webs thevillains, and leaves them for the cops.Sting of the Scorpion: But while calling JJJ to sell him the pics, he finds thatthe Scorpion is there!
He swings for the Bugle at top speed, and manages toreach it just in time. After a great fight, and after throwing almost all ofJJJ's furniture against the Scorpion, the villain falls. Spidey webs him, andthe police arrives. JJJ puts them against our favourite Wall-Crawler, who flees.DareDevil shows up to know if Spidey is innocent from the heist. Then he leaves.Spidey spends the rest of the issue running from the boys in blue, who shoot athim all over the city.
After elluding them, the Black Cat brings him the news:Rhino's on a rampage pulling a heist at Omnitek, and Venom has Mary Jane, andwill kill her in 24 hours. Spidey decides he can't leave Black Cat alone totangle Rhino, and that his responsability lies with the innocent at Omnitekfirst. They go after Rhino.Rhino's Rampage: They arrive too late to stop the heist, but Rhino is stillthere.
He takes out Black Cat, and it's up to Spidey to tackle him. Well, let'sface it: of all the villains in the game, this is the the funniest fight. First,Rhino is so stupid it almost seems like we are reading a comic; second, Spidey'squips are a laughing riot; and third, did I mention that Rhino is really stupid?I mean, in another game we could complain about our opponent knocking himselfout. Here, it just boosts the fun factor. After Rhino is down, Spidey watches asDoc Ock, working with the police, aprehends Rhino.
Black Cat is kidnapped in afake ambulance, and Spidey leaves for Venom.Enter Venom: Spidey whines to Johnny Storm about not being able to find Venom.Then he swings off, and Venom finds him. Spidey chases him thru the city, andthey fight in an abandoned alley. When Spidey gains an advantage, Venom escapesto the sewers.
Spidey follows, and finds out that the sewers are infested withlizard-men. After beating lots of them, and finding a trapped Curt Connors,Spidey finds Venom and MJ.
A new fight ensues, and this time, Venom is beaten.Symbiote Invasion: After reminding Venom that he saw him at the exibit (theybumped into each other, remember?), Venom realizes that Parker is innocent. Programme musculation gratuit pdf: software free download. Theyhead for the Bugle to search their database hoping to find more on themisterious fog that invaded the city, and on the high-tech heists. They find theBugle infested with symbiotes.
Venom senses 'his other' and vanishes. Afterbeating his way to the Bugle's sub-levels, destroying many symbiote-makingmachines (What???), Spidey finally faces the impostor: Mysterio. After beatinghim, he reveals that the plan is to blend all the New Yorkers with symbiotes,and the fog is to prepare them to the symbiose. And why do they need fogfor that? Brock and Casady didn't. And here I was, thinking the fog was therebecause they couldn't display the city's streets with cars, and people, and livedetails. Well, at least they fit it into the story.The Masterminds: No, they're not Norman Osborn and the Jackal, they are.
![Spider-man Spider-man](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ouG3hMaZVQA/maxresdefault.jpg)
You don't think I'm going to tell you right now, do you?Well, Spidey goes to the warehouse Mysterio indicated, and trashes some moresymbiotes and symbiote-generators. He eventually frees the captive Black Cat,stops the fog, and faces the first mastermind: Doc Ock. After beating him, Venomcollapses through the ceiling. Spidey climbs up and meets the second mastermind:Carnage.
Spidey beats him too. The Carnage symbiote flows through the floor, andblends with Doc Ock. Spidey runs as Hell, and manages to exit the compoundbefore it explodes. The story ends with all our villains in prison, and Spideyplaying poker with DareDevil, Captain America and Human Torch. General CommentsGraphics - 4 Webs: Really cool. This is for the Psx (the only version I own).Add half a web to the DCast version and take half a web from the PC one. Infact, Spidey on PC looks just as good as the one on DCast, it's just that thestandarts are higher and the game was launched 5 months later the Dcast one, andone year later than the first one.
Spidey looks great on any of them.Sound - 5 Webs: The voices are great. Spidey Some of Spidey's jokes just looklike right out of the mind of Stan Lee. And they probably are.
Speaking of Him,He is the story teller. And the main menu features the song from the classic TVanimated series from the 60's. Great.Gameplay - 3.5 Webs: Well, two major weakspots here, and I mean Fire vs.Symbiotes weakspot. First, the game is just too easy.
Even in the hardestsetting, you'll only have trouble when chasing Venom and in the last level (theRun-Like-Hell one). And even the Venom chase is hard because of the technicalproblems described below.Story - 4 Webs: An enjoyable story. If it weren't for the few glitches (Doc Ockand Eddie Brock, convicted murderers, free and well accepted in the society,without paying for their crimes? And Brock can't control Venom? That was in theTV series!!!) it could well feature sometime in the continuity. And that's thebest compliment it can get.
Specially now that Mackie is away from theSpider-Books. As for the glitches, well, this isn't part of the continuity, andit's way enjoyable, so I say forget them. Besides, they're both on the openingsequence.Fun Factor - 5 Webs: Sorry? I didn't hear ya. I was too busy playing withRhino's head and some barrels.Replay Factor - 5 Webs: Nice. Now if I could just find that last comic.
Andunlock that last costume. And find out who the hell is the character who'sprofile I'm missing. And after doing all that, I still come back often to repeatthe Scorpion and Rhino boss fights. And there's still the What If mode, filledwith Easter Eggs.Aging Factor - 4 Webs: Well, in a GeForce 4, PS2, GCN and XBox age, it'sgraphics will certainly be surpassed. But it's way fun to throw JJJ's furnitureat Scorpion's head, no matter if the newer games look better.Tech Troubles - 2 Webs: The biggest problem with this game is the camera angle.The camera movement looks like an 80's b-horror-movie.
You face front, camerafaces you, you jump front, camera jumps to side, you lose time, Venom gets away.Happens a lot. Well, I got over it, and it seems that everyone else too. Itmakes the game more challenging. Overall RatingGreat game.
You can't go wrong with this one. If you're a Spider-Man fan (whichI believe you are, cause otherwise you're in the wrong site), this game is amust.
If you're a comic book fan in general, not Spidey specific, you'll stillget a kick out of this game. If Spidey means nothing to you, you're definitelyin the wrong site, but this is still one of the best games for any consoleplatform it was released.
As for the PC, go with the recent Spider-Man: theMovie. Or, if possible, go with both. FootnoteIf you're curious, the sculpture for the game was apparantly made by the guys atOXMOX.