Lotus Symphony 1.3 (.deb I386)

Update: if you are searching for resources on 32-bit application support under 64-bit GNU/Linux Fedora 9, Fedora 10 and higher release distributions, you may also want to read:In this how-to web log entry I will analyze one way to install the office productivity suite into an 64-bit. It should be noted that Fedora 9, like 32 and 64-bit and, are not officially supported platforms by IBM Lotus to install (and provide support for) Symphony 1. Nevertheless, whereas Ubuntu support is to be provided in a future Symphony release, there appear to be no immediate plans to support the fast-moving, cutting edge technology, as represented by Debian and Fedora -of which version 9, codenamed Sulphur, is an example.With the above in mind, let me disclose that after Symphony is installed under 64-bit Fedora 9, there will be a couple of issues that during my limited testing do not appear to affect the core functionality of the office productivity suite.

One of those is the initial Home tab that an user simply may close and select to work from the New menu. The other one is the lack of functionality of the integrated browser. Both issues also affect the Symphony installation under 32 and 64-bit Ubuntu and Debian -as expounded in prior relevant web log entries.The 64-bit Fedora 9 network install image apparently needs further work because its mechanism was not able to detect either of the two network interface controller (NIC) cards in a; on the other hand, a network install image from 64-bit testing and 5.1 did, in effect, detect the NICs and intstall into the machine from their corresponding Internet repositories.Hence, I was forced to and install from the local device in the Sun workstation. Upon the very first boot, I allowed Fedora 9 to update itself.

I set the SElinux to permissive mode (from its default of enforcing), since the security enforcing application complained about some aspect of the update. We should remember that this distribution of 64-bit Fedora is cutting edge technology (like its Debian unstable counterpart) but it is also a testing platform for components that will subsequently make it into the official stable Red Hat enterprise distributions. You gotta learn how to use yum bud#1) run yum ONCE for all the packagesyum install package1 package2 package3.

this is MUCH FASTER and won’t require the dangerous “-y” parameter.#2) In your package list, do NOT include the version since the particular version you are using MAY NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE. Use “name.i386″, i.e. LibXcomposite.i386 – yum knows quite well what to do with that and will select the newest version.yum -y libXcomposite.i386#3) You do NOT need to include DEPENDENCIES in the list. Yum will pick them up on its own.Aside from that, your instructions seem to work.

10/08/08 @ 16:22. Nobody,Your comments are appreciated. A couple of points, though.First, this is a hack, however ephemeral in (version) nature, it is a (relatively speaking) quick hack that worked for me when I faced the problem of not finding an appropriate package(s) for 64-bit Fedora 9 to run 32-bit applications, like the IBM Lotus Symphony of the subject.The list of packages was compiled adhering closely to the GNU/Linux Debian existing ia32-libs equivalent package, using Fedora 9 native yum utility to figure out equivalents –including appropriate version numbers that you have noticed in the list.

Lotus Symphony 1.3 (.deb I386)

. Log in to the Ubuntu system. Locate the.deb file that you downloaded. Make sure that the additional package standard C library libcstdc.so.6 is installed. This package is installed by default. Make sure that any previous ISMP version of Lotus Symphony is uninstalled. Double-click the symphony1.3-1hardy1i386.deb file to start the installation, and follow the instructions on the screen.

Lotus 1 2 3

Double-click the symphony-nl11.3-1hardy1i386.deb, symphony-nl21.3-1hardy1i386.deb, or symphony-nl31.3-1hardy1i386.deb file to install the translation packages if you want.