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Infrared Spectra. Free Download of FTIR LibraryDownload free infraredspectra library – FTIR Library (go to page bottom).transferredWhat are infraredspectra?Infrared spectra are „fingerprints“of molecules. The same molecules have the same infrared spectra, differentmolecules have different infrared spectra.Infrared spectra are usedin analytical chemistry.Typical infrared spectrumlooks like this (Picture 1):Infrared spectra arecurves. The final infrared spectrum is a ratio of sample spectrum and airspectrum (background).The X-axis (peakposition) gives you information aboutthe wavelenght and is usually presented in units called „cm-1“ = wavenumbers(number of waves in 1 centimeter).Typical wavenumber rangeby infrared spectrum is 4000-400 cm-1.The Y-axis (peakintensity) gives you information about how much the sample absorbs the energy,the units are Transmittance (%T - peaks go down) or Absorbance (logarithmic scale, peaks go up) units.Transmittance ranges from 0-100%. Absorbance ranges from 0 to infinity. Werecommend to take in account absorbance values 0-1 or maximally 0-2.