The Whole Soy Story Pdf
With the passing of President Ford last month, his declaration, 'Our long national nightmare is over' was resurrected – just in time for the beginning of a new national nightmare: the horror of facing the damage being done to us by the soybean craze.TRENDING:It is indeed a craze: U.S. Soy sales in 2004 hit $4 billion, a huge leap from $850 million in 1992, when soy began moving up from just a 'hippie food' in natural food stores to mainstreaming in supermarkets. 1 Let's hear it for Mad Avenue. It's also a horror, especially for folks who go out of their way to eat energy bars, pseudo-meats, soymilk and soy-laced cold cereals. You may recall from my that one out of every 125 male babies is now born with the once-rare condition called hypospadias, a gruesome malformity of the penis in which the urethra opening lies somewhere along the underside of the penile shaft instead of at its end. 2 The penis is also shorter – 2.6 inches shorter in the more severe cases.
Was a Roman Emperor who ruled from 161AD to 180AD. Marco aurelio thompson.
Overall, the malformity is associated with homosexuality; showed that 7.6 percent of the control (healthy) subjects were exclusively homosexual compared with 20.3 percent of those with hypospadias (plus another 15.5 percent who were bisexual).A British study in 2000 showed that vegetarian moms (who typically eat more soy, of course) have five times the risk of birthing a boy with hypospadias, 3 or about one chance in 25. The European Commission takes this matter so seriously that it's investigating. 4 Yet here in the US of A, health- conscious vegetarian moms-to-be are swigging tall, cool glasses of soymilk. Tragically, these moms also risk giving birth to babies that are more likely to get leukemia.
5-8 That disease, too, is on the rise, with only a few people sounding warnings that soy during pregnancy could be part of the problem. It's high time pregnant moms heard warnings. Hey, I've tasted soymilk and veggie burgers, and no way are they worth that kind of risk.At this point, you may be saying, 'Well, I'm not pregnant, not going to get pregnant, and soy does prevent heart disease, doesn't it?' That myth has been helped along by the FDA, the government agency that's supposed to protect us but has instead given us Vioxx? And aspartame and helped big business promote soy. If you've ever picked up a package of soy food or soymilk, you've seen the FDA health claim that reads: 'Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease.'
If that's your goal, you'll be downing about four servings of soy every day! No wonder soy sales have skyrocketed. Although just about everyone in the alternative health field seems to know that the FDA is in bed with Big Pharma, the myth persists that the FDA 'did the right thing' about soy. The reasoning goes like this: 'The FDA would have approved a soy health claim only after a long, hard look at the evidence, and it must have been powerfully convincing, or the FDA would be seizing veggie burgers with the vengeance it usually reserves for vitamins and herbs.' What the FDA actually looked long and hard at was a single, trumped up meta-analysis paid for by Big Soy, specifically Protein Technologies International.
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(A meta-analysis is a type of study in which the researchers get to pick the studies they like best, average them out, and then announce a conclusion that their sponsors can take to the bank.) In giving Big Soy what it wanted, the FDA ignored protests by some of the world's leading scientists – including even its own leading scientists! Five years later, the researchers who did that meta-analysis confessed that the conclusions hadn't held up. 10 Even the American Heart Association has now turned on soy with its announcement last January that soy does NOT lower cholesterol and does NOT prevent heart disease. 11 It foolishly still endorses it as a food 'in a varied diet,' but now says a health claim is entirely unwarranted. The only question now is, 'Will the FDA admit its mistake and retract the currently allowed health claim?'
Even that won't be enough. What's needed is a warning label: SOY MAY CAUSE BIRTH DEFECTS, INFERTILITY, CANCER AND HEART DISEASE. Heart disease? Soy worsens cardiomyopathy. 12 One in 500 Americans have enlarged, swollen heart muscles that cannot pump adequately and cause heart failure. Cardiomyopathy is also the usual cause of death when a seemingly healthy young athlete drops dead on the football field or basketball court.How else might soy harm your heart? Soy isoflavones can interfere with potassium in the heart, which would cause arrhythmias.
13 Soy protein could also elevate your homocysteine level, 14 a known risk factor for heart disease.The biggest frustration for many of my readers is not that they want to eat soy. Most of us don't like to touch the stuff! What frustrates them is that they think there's nothing left that's safe to eat. They've heard that meat, eggs, dairy and butter are bad, and that even spinach might be crawling with deadly bacteria.The answer is simple: Eat a wide variety of the foods God put on this planet, whole foods.
Daniel Dr Kaayla The Whole Soy Story
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15,16 Avoid the Mad Avenue foods that come in bright, shiny packages and are not whole, but fractionated and processed to oblivion. Kaayla Daniel, author of the definitive book on the dangers of soy, 'The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food,' has lots of free advice on how to be safe, healthy and soyfree on her websites.
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For example, if you're allergic to cow's milk, she highly recommends coconut milk.If God had wanted us to eat skinless, boneless chicken breasts, He'd have made chickens that were all breast with no fat, no skin and not a leg to stand on! If He'd wanted us to drink pasteurized fat-free milk, then fat-free milk would come boiling hot out of a cow's udder! And if He'd wanted us to eat soy protein and soy oil, the little bean would easily separate into its parts and not require a billion dollar processing plant that uses chemical solvents, extreme pressure, and hellfire temperatures. Nor would God's chosen food require tons of sugar and flavorings to make it taste halfway decent.Next week: one last column on soy! If you thought these first five were far out, wait till you read the last one. Figures from.
Soyatech is the publisher of the annual 'Soya & Oilseed Bluebook,' the industry's source of information on soy companies and products. Baskin, Laurence, ed. 'Hypospadias and Genital Development, Advances in Experimental Biology and Medicine,' vol.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004). The definitive textbook. On soy and homosexuality, see also: Lephart ED, Setchell KD, Lund TD. Phytoestrogens: hormonal action and brain plasticity.
Brain Res Bull, 2005 Apr 15; 65 (3): 193-8. Also see Lephart ED, Rhees RW et al. Estrogens and phytoestrogens: brain plasticity of sexually dimorphic brain volumes. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2003 June; 85 (2-5): 299-309. North K, Golding J. A maternal diet in pregnancy is associated with hypospadias.
BJU Int, 2000, 35, 107-13. Strick R, Strissel PL et al.
Dietary bioflavonids induce cleavage in the MLL gene and may contribute to infant leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2000, 25,97, 9, 4790-95. Editorial.
Infantile leukemia and soybeans – a hypothesis. Leukemia, 1999, 13, 317-20. Ross JA, Potter JD et al. Maternal exposure to potential inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II and infant leukemia (United States) a report from the Children's Cancer Group, Cancer Causes Control, 1996,7, 581-590. Hengstler JG, Helmerdingert CK et al.
Dietary topoisomerase II- poisons: contribution of soy products to leukemia? EXCL J, 2002, 1, 8-14. Daniel, Kaayla T. 'The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food' (New Trends, 2005). Includes a full discussion of soy and heart disease, including the politics behind the FDA health claim, with full references. Anderson, JW.
Soy Food Effects on Serum Lipoproteins in Humans: Updated Meta-Analysis. Presentation at the 6th International Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease, Renaissance Chicago Hotel, Chicago, IL, Nov. 1, 2005. Sacks FM, Lichtenstein A et al.
The Whole Soy Story Pdf Converter
Soy protein, isoflavones and cardiovascular health: An American Heart Association Science Advisory for professionals from the nutrition committee. Circulation, 2006, Feb. 21, 113, 7, 1034-44. 17, 2006. Stauffer BL, Konhilas JP et al. Soy diet worsens heart disease in mice. J Clin Invest, 2006, Jan, 116, 1, 209-16.
Chiang CE et al. Genistein inhibits the inward rectifying potassium currents in guinea pig ventricular myocytes.
J Biomed Sci, 2002, 9, 321-26. Daniel, op cit. 160. Fallon, Sally. 'Nourishing Traditions' (New Trends, 2nd edition, 1999), a full-spectrum nutritional cookbook. Rubin, Jordan, 'The Maker's Diet' ( Siloam, 2004).