Renaud Garcia Fons Arcoluz Rar

Just a guess. Arcoluz = bow of light?I guess.I posted this video from Arcoluz because it's what's availabe on youtube (the Berimbass tune was a sample from the DVD that comes with the CD).

And because there's an acoustic guitar. But make sure you check Renaud's other albums too.

Renaud Bray


He's a very active and productive musician. While he is an extraordinary bass player and I love the idea behind his albums, I have to admit I often find them a little. Say, light for my taste. But to each his own.Suite Andalouse, a duet with flamenco guitarist Pedro Soler might be my favourite to date (but I haven't heard them all).

Renaud Garcia Fons Arcoluz Rar

Renaud Garcia Fons Music

Praak.Artist: Instrumental.Artist: U2 & A.