Primavera Xer File Viewer

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Rexintel XER Viewer (Beta 2)XER Viewer is a free and simple to use app to view the summary of any Oracle Primavera® P6 XER files. The XER Viewer would not change the source data but it gives you a sneak peek into your P6 data files.This software is a Beta release and may contain some glitches, please contact us via if you encountered any bugs or malfunctions and get a chance to win a FREE XER Viewer Pro as soon as it's available.In the near future we will be releasing the Pro version of the XER Viewer. If you'd like to be kept updated with the latest news and features on the product, please join us and sign-up in our web site.DisclaimerThis application is a free to download and use software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You cannot redistribute and/or modify it under any circumstances.Copyright © 2015 Rexintel Inc.Primavera® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliate(s).

Primavera Xer File ViewerXer

Primavera Xer File Viewer Software

The Project File Converter is a simple tool which extends thefunctionality of many Project Management tools. A thorough description of how to use Project File Converter can be found inAt the present time we are able to offer occasional email support for this product. However, we publish regularupdates with contain bug fixes and enhancements.Although MPXJ works better than most of the time, some rogue files cannot be processed by MPXJ. Thismay be frustrating at times, but we also have come across a number of files produced by MS Project 2016 thatcannot be read back by the same MS Project 2016.If you find a bug, you can send brief description and/or comments to.