Duo Art Player Piano Manual

  1. Duo Art Weber Piano

STOREHOURS9 TO 6 CDTGMT minus 5 hoursMonday thru FridayDo not call onSat. PleasePLAYERPIANOAND SUPPLIESORDERINGINFORMATION:MINIMUMORDER:SHIPPINGPOLICY:Priority Mail shipping for most items. UPS by request.YouMUST browse thearea, and try to learn what you want. We no longer search our catalog for you.Havethis information ready:1. Description of parts2. Part Numbers3.

Dimensions where neededBEFORE you call us please.Makesure you are in the catalog area for your kind of piano-Such as, etc.Ifyou are confused, call us for assistance.If we do not answer the phone, we are probably here- Just leave a message- we willreturn your call (it may not be the same day).:-)Aplayer piano is a work of art. It also gives hours and hours ofmusicto us flatlanders who cannot play at all. It also has a real acousticsound,which is not yet perfected in electronics.

Duo Art Player Piano Manual

Do beware though ofthinkingyou have a long term collectors item in a player. They may getyou a niceprofit if you sell them right after restoration, but let them sit, andtheydeteriorate again and destroy your investment.We tell you the truthhere.CAUTION:Though Keith has over 30 years experience tuning andrestoring pianos,he has not had a great deal of experience with players.He will try to helpyou with the knowledge he has, but you would be welladvised to purchasethe best book worldwide on player piano restoration:PlayerPiano Servicing and RebuildingBy Arthur ReblitzSee the book for sale at the bottom of this page. PAGE CONTENTS.CrownAutoplayerRestoredby our customerSEARCHTHE WHOLE SITE.

Or      powered by   Site search Web searchTurn off the music hereMore player MIDIs atTECHNICALHELP:JohnTuttle has the best resource on the web in player piano technical information.He also may have parts you need which we do not carry.GENERALPLAYER PIANO PARTS-         Scroll down this pageUsedin Player Pianos and Pump, or Reed, OrgansUsedin Player Pianos and Pump, or Reed, OrgansGohere if you are actually looking for pump organ partsThis page has many glue andlubricant choices which apply to player piano needs. PNEUMATICTUBING AND PIPE FITTINGS     PartDescription:                                                                                                      PartNumber             PriceBlack neoprene tubingfor the tracking bar         3/64ths wall             SH606B            $ 1.00 ft.          100 foot roll                                               3/64ths wall             SH606B           $50.00                                                                             1/32nd wall              SH606A           $  1.00ft. 100 foot roll                                               1/32nd wall              SH606A           $ 51.00                                                                                                                       Insidediameter on all of the above is 9/64 inch. By the foot onlyif we have broken rolls.Most player pianos produced before WW IIrequire No. SH606A tubing with 1/32 inch walls. Most player producedAFTER WW II require tubing No. Price$ 24.40 / 100$ 24.40 / 100$ 24.40 / 100$ 24.40 / 100$ 24.40 / 100$ 24.40 / 100Ladder Chain- By theyard only-       Four links per inch- OldPart No.

Duo Art Weber Piano

451390                                                       SH 609-4         $ 9.85 / yard       Fivelinks per inch-                                                                                        SH 609-5          $ 9.85 / yardPedal webbing-  2 inches wide       Connectspedals to pumping bellows. Used as hingeson bellows also -       Sometimes used to connectpedals to bellows. SH716            $  2.00 / footPlayer Roll Tabs-        Each             OldPart No. 4513915                                                                 SH613              $  1.00        Box of 100   Old Part No.


4513915                                                                 SH613             $ 65.00Paper Tape to repair the end and edges of player piano rolls-       Also mends torn paper in books, letters, maps, pamphletsand documents.        Transparent Pressure-sensitive-tissue-thin paper tape features a        pressure-sensitive,pH neutral adhesive that will not yellow, flake off       or damage piano rolls. The pH tests at 8.8 unaged, 8.1 aged.       This tape is thin and will not interfere with playing. Youwill need to avoid        covering tracking holes. $ 14.00$ 14.00$ 18.00$ 18.00$ 16.00TRACKERBAR, TAKE UP SPOOLS, AND TEMPO HARDWAREPartDescription:PartNumberPriceTracker Bar-Old Part No.

451345ASH610$ 194.00Transposing Tracker Bar-Old PartNo. 451345BSH690 $199.00Tracker Bar Pump-type Cleaner-Vacuum draws out dirt and leadoxide.Aluminum with soft rubbernozzle, and removabledust screen.Old Part no. 451392SH626$ 100.00Replacement rubber nozzle for tracker bar pumpSH626A $11.85Replacementfilter for tracker bar pumpSH626B $ 9.00Player Roll Spool Ends-Black plasticFor Regular size rolls,2 inches diameterLeft side without slotOld Part No. 451348ASH615L$ 2.00Right side withslot OldPart No. 451348BSH615R$2.00Pressure Sensitive Tempo Strip-Renew old worn Tempo Indicators with thisconvenient Mylar strip. Will fit many standardplayers. See 451351 abovePressure sensitive plate From 0 to 130No longer availableScrolldown the page to the Custom Stop SectionTake up Spool- All Purpose- First most players, especiallyuprightsTake up spool no longer available.

But call for a referral to the one place we know of where you can get one!- Inside and Outward pressureTESTROLLS-PartDescription:PartNumberPriceQ.R.S. Test Roll- Standard 88 keytestSH612 $ 31.50VACUUMPUMPS AND TRANSMISSION PartDescription:PartNumber PriceDeluxe Pump with auto-sensor and electronic controls- Update: The vacuum pump in the graphic isan older model but looks the same.No. 45P1329 has been discontinued from all suppliers as far as I can learn.The deluxe pump is more advanced andwill perform far better.Noise levelis minimal. Motor speed is in direct ratio of vacuum needed.Electronics are used to sense the level of vacuumneeded.A Switching signal reduces motorspeed during rewind.The tightnessof the player system will determine the setting of the volume knob.Can be turned to full volume to produce 45inches of vacuum.Complete installationinstructions provided. Has build in check valvesso that the original foot pump system is retained and operative.All pre-wiredcontrols- justset box in place and drill one hole in original pump channel.Control panel mounts on underside of keyboard withoff/on switch, volume controlknob andrewind speed adjustment.Measure7 1/2 inches by 7 1/2 inches by 10 inches- Weight approx.

13 lbs.No return policy on international orders.Old Part No. 45P1330DP650 $475.00CAUTION:The Automatic Re-roll unit and AutomaticShut Off featuresare NOT included in the aboveDeluxe Pump.Automatic Re-roll Unit- For full size players only-Approx. 4 inches wide, 8 inches high, and 2 inchesdeep-OldPart No.

451332DP916 $225.00AutomaticShut off SwitchShuts off the Re-roll Unitwhen the roll is done rewindingEasily installedinside piano case just above the spoolbox shelfDP652 $ 105.00Complete Pump Kit: Includes Deluxe pump as described above, AutomaticRe-roll Unit and Automatic shut-off switchDP975 $ 795.00Precision Vacuum Gauge- 21/2 inch dial face graduated from 0 to 100 inches ofwater vacuum. The only accurate method for measuring the amountof vacuumgenerated by a piano or reedorgan.Tapered rubber plug fitseasily into pump hose.Old Part No. 451480SH616 $ 101.00Player Piano Transmission- A complete transmission unit that willserve as areplacement on most standardplayers if minor modifications are made.Old Part No. 451346SH624$ 188.00Ampico Transmission Frame onlySH680$ 62.00PLAYERPIANO PEDALS PartDescription:PartNumber PriceSet of three square toes. Right pedal 10 1/2 inches longoverall.Solid brass capped toes on castiron stems.Center- 7 1/2 inches.Left- 9 inches longOld Part No.

303085APLSH645$ 120.00Pair of two pedals(No center pedal)Old Part No. 303085BPLSH645A $93.00Set of Three round toe player pedals- PolishedbrassRight pedal 10 1/2 inches long overallCenter- 11 1/4 inches.Left- 9 inches long Old Part No.

Duo art player piano manual freeDuo Art Player Piano Manual

303086APLSH643$ 108.00Pair of Two pedals (No center pedal)Otherwise, same as aboveOld Part No. 303086BPLSH643A $78.00PRACTICEMUTE AND RINKY TINK OR MANDOLIN KITPractice Mute Replacementfelt- 2 inches wide by 54 inches long and taperedThis felt strip is made to replace the felt mute inold uprights that had it, and itis found in some Asian pianos in modern times. You will have to remove theold strip and fit the new ones. Thiswill involve making provision for the verticalmetal brackets mounting the action in the piano. Use Elmer'sCarpenter's Glueto attachthe new felt strip to the old bar.SH300 $ 13.65 eachRinkyTink or Mandolin Kit for UprightsThis kit has everything needed to add a rinky tink sound to your upright piano.It includes a cable pull to mount underthe key bed which you can pul tocontrol the device.

This kit can also be used to mount the quieting PracticeMute above. But, we cannot alter theoriginal kit to reduce the price.This kit will require some detailed fitting of the leather and tabs which youwillbe required to attach.It cannot be made ahead of time to fit any piano at randombecause the string placement of all pianos varies frompiano to piano. If you arenot an intuitive person, or if you do not have a friend with mechanical talents,you should not try this. We CANNOT promiseyou success unless you are willingto take responsibility for your success. We will not refund your money if youin any way start to modify the kit parts.Having made this rather ominous disclaimer,I must say that the kit is very well planned, and, as far as I know,this is the only kitof itskind available at this time.

It was designed by a man with 50 years in the trade.Complete instructions are provided withthe kitDA842$ 152.50Do-It-Youself Rinky Tinkor Mandolin Kit- THIS IS A CONVERSION KITYou MUST alreadyhave a practice mute in your piano to use this kit.Also, you will have to innovate and make theproducts work for you. I cannotwrite instuctions which will cover anything you will run into. This means youwillneed to determine wherethe strings are in relation to the leather strip AFTER youinstall the leather strip. You may do this by attachingcarbon paper to the back ofthe leather strip facing the leather and run the front of the leather with a hardobject.Remove the carbon paper,and cut between the marks made by the strings on theleather. You may also rub the strings with chalk and rub thefront of the leather.Thiswill tell you where to cut the leather strip. You must have the confidence toinnovate because I cannot predict allthe variables you may encounter. Be sure toclamp the metal tabs so that they are in a straight line, and positionthe mute bar so thatthe tabsare just barely BELOW the actual point the hammer hits the strings.

This willprevent destruction of the hammers overtime.3 inch by 48 inch leatherstrip and 100 metal tabs to attach to the strip.Part NumbersDA68 and DA848 $ 39.00 totalPlayer Piano Repair InformationTHEBEST BOOK FOR PLAYER PIANO RESTORATIONPartDescription:PartNumber PricePLAYERPIANO SERVICING AND REBUILDINGBy ARTHUR REBLITZA superb book that touches on every aspect of its title. 8-1/2' x 1 1',216 pages, profusely illustrated with fine photographs and diagrams.Themost comprehensive book on the subject ever written. Those withcasualor professional interest in player pianos will find this bookfascinatingand indispensable. The non-player aspects of a piano are notcovered in thisbook. For that, you need:PIANO SERVICING,TUNING, AND REPAIRINGBy ARTHUR A.